How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Give You New Teeth in One Day


Any smile is a good smile, but you might not see it that way. You might be unhappy with your smile because of gaps or missing teeth. You do not have to be.

Breakthroughs in modern cosmetic dentistry can get you a set of new teeth in one day. A good set of dental implants can transform your fear into pride overnight. Here are five dental facts to inspire you to get your new teeth today.

1. Out of all the surfaces in the human body, tooth enamel is the hardest. This is really a biological advancement that allows us to tear through tough meat and the hard outer skins of fruits and vegetables. But getting new teeth in one day can bring back the pleasures of chewing and chomping that have been lost to missing teeth.

2. Fifty-one percent of those patients who seek out dental implant surgery or any other kind of cosmetic dentistry have between 41 and 60 years old. Adults tend to think of dental care as a childish concern until it is too late. What good is prolonging your treatment if you do not have any teeth left in the meantime? A dental implants procedure can get you a set of new teeth in one day.

3. Only a century ago, nearly half of all adults in North America had missing teeth. Since then, medical practices have opened up new doors of possibility for implantation and replacement, including the ability to get you new teeth in one day. Now, fewer than 10 percent of all those over the age of 65 are toothless.

4. So how does it work? Well, a dental implant is essentially a titanium piece inserted into the bone socket of the missing tooth. In time, the implant will heal and the jawbone will grow around it. Your new tooth will be secure, and you can get a set of new teeth in one day, though you have to allow it time to heal.

5. What is stopping you? Dental implant surgery has a nearly flawless success rate of 98 percent. If you take care of your new teeth, they will last you the rest of your life.

Getting new teeth in one day used to be science fiction. Now, you can get dental implants and go home the same day with a set of new chompers. What are you waiting for? Read this website for more information:

9 comments / Add your comment below

  1. My father who is only 62 recently had implants put it to replace the teeth he lost to cancer. He was amazed at how quickly his mouth took to the surgery.

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