What Companies Look for When Hiring Sales Professional

Hire sales manager

Careers in sales simply aren’t handed out like free pizza coupons on the sidewalk. They’re forged through years of hard work, dedication and determination. Having said that, it doesn’t take a doctorate degree in advanced selling techniques to land your first sales gig. All it takes is knowing how to play the game to your advantage. Here, study these four qualities every company looks for in a new sales hire to get you started.

Professionalism, not necessarily experience

Consider how many entry-level job postings you’ve seen that ask for “at least two years of professional experience or more.” If you’ve ever been discouraged because of lines like that, don’t be. Sales gigs are a bit different. As long as you have a professional attitude and a willingness to learn and grow, you can always learn as you go. In fact, careers in sales often begin with new hires learning everything they need to know from other, more experienced employees in their department.

Genuine, warm demeanor

Companies usually want to hire a sales rep based on his or her qualifications as well as the overall personality and charm he or she exudes. Potential clients can see right through an unsure or skittish sales rep, and likewise for those who phone in their enthusiasm as smarmy sycophants. It’s all about being yourself and extending the same professional, warm and congenial courtesy to everyone, regardless of whether you’re on the clock or not.

Patience and perseverance

Careers in sales always have to begin with the same basic set of skills, and the most potent of these are likely patience and perseverance. You want your clients to like you and trust you, but you have to win them over in the courting process. That’s where the patience comes into play. Of course, if you’re too polite in your waiting, they might think you’ve lost interest or have found somebody else. That’s why perseverance is equally as important — after all, statistics show that 80% of non-routine sales are only made after at least five follow-up phone calls.

Willingness to plant some roots

Many companies have taken to outsourcing their entire hiring process to recruitment agencies simply because they don’t have the time to do it themselves anymore. But that’s why a typical hiring mistake can end up costing a business up to 10 times a regular sales reps’ annual salary. Do yourself a favor and look to plant some roots at the company you’re applying for. That’ll show both the recruiting firm and your potential new business that you want to help them grow in the coming years.

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