How to Stop Pests Before They Strike

Pest control company

Pest infestation woes are no joking matter. In fact, termites alone are responsible for nearly $750 million in property damage each and every year in the U.S.! If left untreated, termites, for example, will devour your wood, wallpaper, and even plastics and fabrics.

Ridding your home of an animal or insect infestation can be time consuming and difficult because many insects are quite resilient creatures (there’s a reason that termites and cockroaches have been in existence for more than 300 million years). So if you find yourself in need of some of the best termite and pest control methods, read on!

  • Prevention is Key
  • There are preventative measures that you can take to thwart or lessen the likelihood of a pest infestation. The most obvious method is to target the possible sources, such as seal up any cracks and holes along your home’s foundation. Lesser known preventions include eliminating water from pooling around your home (certain termites, such as dampwood termites, love water) and removing any food sources (this includes trash, but surprisingly also some plants and vegetation that may attract hungry insects).

  • Should You Do it Yourself or Hire a Pest Control Company?
  • If you have followed the above precautions but still find yourself in need of termite pest control (or any type of pest control services for that matter), the final question when it comes to pest removal then is, should you attempt it yourself or leave it to the professionals of a pest control company?

    Nearly 32% of American households have answered this need by calling a pest control company for ant extermination in 2012 alone; and there’s a reason why: consumer brands don’t always cut it. Sure, the initial trip to the hardware store may be cheaper than hiring a pro, but these chemicals are often not potent enough. In addition to having stronger pesticides that have longer lasting effects, a pest control company can inject poisons into areas of your home that you may not have access to yourself.

      In summation, hiring a professional pest control company can be far more time and cost effective (and safe) than a do it yourself remedy. Keep in mind, too, that typically a professional home pest control service will offer a money back guarantee so if your infestation is not controlled after the initial treatment, the pest control company will reapply until the annoyances are gone for good!

      Have you attempted a do it yourself pest extermination? If so, please feel free to share your experiences below!


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