Those Who are Looking to Take Good Care of Their Home Lawn Can Try Methods Such as Using Drought Resistant Grass Seed

Lawn maintenance

The overall aesthetics of a home are very important to all homeowners. Most people take great pride at making both the interior and exterior of their home look as appealing as possible. Such homeowners will often say that this includes not only the house itself though, but the surrounding areas, most notably the lawn. Much like maintaining an aesthetically appealing home, maintaining an aesthetically appealing lawn requires a good deal of planning and work. For lawns that need extra attention in order to meet the standards of a good lawn that a homeowner has, using grass seeds and proper mowing techniques can help achieve these goals.

Methods for lawn care and growing grass have existed throughout history. For hundreds of years nos, people have been using grass seed. In the late 18th century, the Shakers became the first people to produce grass seed on an industrial level, supplying it to wealthy American families.

In the United States, turf grass is estimated to cover over 40 million acres of the country, which is three times larger than the national acreage of corn. Considered to be weeds by some, the presence of dandelions actually indicates that pesticides which could be harmful to children, animals, and the environment are not present. When mowing a lawn, it is recommended to leave grass clippings in place to use as mulch rather than collecting them afterward. Some types of good grass seed can be used to produce to drought resistant grass, though it should be noted that watering a lawn too frequently can discourage root growth. Using grass seed and proper mowing techniques can be considered good ways to ensure a healthy lawn that adds to the aesthetic appeal of a home. Read this for more.

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