Knowing the Limitations of the Internet

Help family problems

In an age where nearly every bit of information known to human kind is available online for all the world to see, it can sometimes seem like our species has finally figured it all out. But the answers to the toughest questions are sometimes the hardest to find. If you want to know the population of Burundi, look online. If you want helpful advice on family issues and problems, the Internet may fall a little short.

Not that you would not be able to find ANY advice. To the contrary, on the Internet, opinions abound about every conceivable topic of conversation. You can find advice on family issues online. But is it good advice?

The sad truth is that, even if there are genuinely good pieces of advice online, they may be hard to separate from the chaff. In a medium where anyone with a computer keyboard can have an equal voice, the voices worth listening to can easily be drowned out. Too many people want their advice to be validated, and they mistake volume and fervor for wisdom and helpfulness.

But the news is not all bad. The Internet may not be the ideal place to find the help family problems require… but it can be a great way to find someone who CAN offer professional family help. The Internet as a starting place is unparalleled in the whole of human history for its global reach, its comprehensive local listings, and its reviews. It is a little ironic that the freedom of access that makes direct help from the Internet masses so unhelpful is the exact same quality that ensures the usefulness of the reviews you find.

Your family is too important to trust to the advice of random strangers. Trust the advice of your friends. Trust the advice of books and articles written by professionals. But trust the Internet only as a resource to find the people who can help your family through the troubled times, and not as a prime source of advice on family issues.

17 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  2. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  3. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  4. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  5. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  6. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  7. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  8. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  9. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  10. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  11. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  12. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  13. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  14. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  15. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

  16. I disagree that it’s harder to find them. I think there are more people, certainly, but the medium itself makes it easier to find them, because the medium itself can spread the word about good people that much faster.

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