Top Seven Reasons to Looking Hiring a White Label Reseller

White label seo reports

If you run a website, then you might want to look into white label resellers of SEO in order to improve your site. A white label reseller will be able to provide you with white label seo reports and white label SEO services so that you know what is going on with your website at all times. Here are a few reasons to look into it.

1. As many as three quarters of people who perform an Internet search find what they are looking for on the first SERP, or search engine result page, and do not bother to keep looking beyond the first page.

2. The search engine industry is worth approximately 16 billion dollars. the best SEO resellers will all do about the same things to help your company, so it is a good idea to do a little shopping around.

3. It was estimated that in 2012, close to 90 percent of United States internet users ages 14 years of age and older browsed or researched products online. Utilizing SEO tips can help you to reach the people who do these searches this year as well.

4. Although you might not think that it is the most important faction of the website for your company, you should spend some time on a blog. Studies show that companies that blog have an astounding 434 percent more indexed pages. This increased indexing results in far more leads for your business.

5. Leads that are generated through search engine optimization have a close rate of almost 15 percent. This is an amazing advantage over outbound leads which average a close rate of less than two percent.

6. Inbound leads, such as those provided by search engine optimization, cost more than 60 percent less money and take less time than outbound leads like as cold calling.

7. If you are building a website in the near future, then you need to make sure that the site is optimized for mobile devices. According to projections, mobile Internet usage on smartphones and tablets will overtake desktop computer Internet usage by the year 2014.

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