Top Five Reasons why your Business Needs a News Letter!

Newsletter pro

So you have been toying with ideas about how to be different than the competition. You want something new, but also reliable, and you want to elicit a positive and safe feeling from your clients. I have got just the solution for you. You now want to be a newsletter publisher. And I have five reasons why you want a newsletter.

1. A Newsletter Will Help you Retain Customers.

Think of all of the customers who are just throwing out your ads, or glossing over your emails. Once a customer becomes comfortable with a vendor, it is very difficult to pull them back from their stupor. With a direct mail newsletter you can wake them up and keep them informed and up to date on all news, projects, developments, sales and more.

2. Newsletters Will Help you Gain New Customers.

So you have a solid customer base, but need some new ones. These potential customers ignore your ads in the paper, because no one cares about ads in the paper! But, if they receive your direct mail newsletter, it will be something different. Newsletter printing looks unique compared to other marketing materials, so they will be curious. And with one look, you have got them right where you want them.

3. Newsletters Will Help you Get more Referrals

This one piggy backs on number two. Imagine the impression you make with your direct mail newsletter. It is new, it is different, it is something that has not been done in years. You can really excite your new clients to the point where they want to share your newsletter marketing with others.

4. Newsletters Will Help you Cross Sell and Upsell.

How cute! Your newsletter looks like a little newspaper. It has all of the news for your company. It even has weather for your office for the next week! And, my golly, look at that, all of the ads in this fun newspaper are for your products. You sneaky devil.

5. Newsletters Will Help To Keep you On the Top of the Mind of the Client.

Now that you are a newsletter pro, I bet you saw this one coming. When people get ads, they will quick skim and then throw it right in the recycling. But for a newsletter, there is something to read in there. That spurs the recipient to save the newsletter until they get a chance to read it. That could be a week from now. In the mean time, there your newsletter sits, on the coffee table, your big logo on the front, gently and lovingly reminding all who see it that your product is the best around. More info like this:

19 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I do not think that it would be that successful. I think they would just be thrown out like the rest of the junk mail America gets.

  2. I do not think that it would be that successful. I think they would just be thrown out like the rest of the junk mail America gets.

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