What Hard Water Does to your Skin (And How to Combat the Effects) – Healthy Huntington


There are many ways to lessen the adverse effects of hardwater. One option is chiropractic treatments. An article published in National Library of Medicine (Treatment of acute atopic eczema by chiropractic care) found that chiropractic treatment may help improve the symptoms of eczema. Chiropractic treatment can help reduce breakouts and also improve general health and appearance of the skin. These treatments may minimize the damage hard water may cause to the skin. However, a more direct option is to eliminate the hard water entirely.

Softening Your Water

One US Geological Survey survey found that over 85% of US households are affected by hard water. However, lifestyle modifications and habits may affect the hardness of your skin’s water the water softening process is the most effective solution. Systems for softening water are set up at the main municipal water line entering the dwelling. They can also be utilized to treat wells and wells. Both require that the of the water entering the residence undergo an exchange process that will soften it.

This system will see the mineral ions found in hard water will be replaced with sodium ions. The water draws mineral ions in the course of it passes through the soil. The water softening process reverses this cycle by drawing the minerals ions that are in the water. You don’t need to be concerned about your sodium intake. It’s true that a glass of milk has five times the salt as a glass of softened water. The hardness of water could affect the sodium content. As an example, a water well could have more of minerals than tap water in accordance with M.D. Sheldon G. Sheps of the Mayo Health Clinic, an 8-ounce glass (with approximately. 7 grains of hardness) made from softened water has less than 12.5 milligrams sodium. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines A


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