How to Avoid Hearing Loss – Health Advice Now

ne, we often don’t know that we’re losing our hearing until it is already too late. Are you losing your hearing? In this instructional video you’ll learn the reason it could be.

Your ear has sensory hair cells inside the ear’s inner part. These cells connect to nerves which transmit the audio signal to your brain to translate it into sound. The long-term effects of loud sound can cause injury to these hairs and nerves. Like, for instance, playing the loudest music on your headphones may cause the loss of the nerves and hairs of these hairs over long periods of. In fact, any volume of noise can damage your hearing when it is played for an extended period of time. But, calmer sounds are able to be enjoyed for much longer than loud sounds. You may experience ringing in the ear if you have hearing loss is a result of damage. Then you might need to wear a hearing aid. Do you know how to avoid hearing loss? It is not advisable to increase the volume of your headphones. Pause when you listen to music. Bring earbuds if you’re going to go to a concert. It will be a gift to your ears in the in the end. Set up an appointment for your next checkup.


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