What Do Collection Attorneys Do – ORZ 360

They are the best.

Common question: Does an attorney representing the collector be required to provide the debtor with an deal between them as well as the agency? The answer is no. This can make it confusing since the agency that collects your debt must demonstrate that they are the owner of the debt that they are suing you.

A majority of contracts can’t definitively establish that the company owns this debt due to the complex the process of purchasing and selling debt gets. Companies are basically being told by an agency it isn’t certain that the credit information on them is accurate However, they may be able to purchase it nonetheless. It’s like buying an automobile that has not had an accident.

While the debt collection agency is required to present you with documentation, the collection lawyer is not required to show this. They only represent the collection agency, and they do not declare that they own the debt.

It is clear that debt collection law can be complicated. Click the above link to read more about the role of collection lawyers.


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