Are Smart Phones Out Smarting Us?

Android device management

While there is a rapid increase for updated cell phones, 91.4 million smartphones exist in the United States alone.

Android in the enterprise is the source for a wide range of system devices. Google built and managed it while IT managers to maintain it’s level of high security. The IT personnel is apart of the android device management team that can check to see how many devices exist, which operating system is being used and can remotely remove data if device is lost or stolen.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is new to the android device management. It is a tech model that is being increasingly carried out by the android management. Many companies allow BYOD but do not have a lot of android device management. It is said that half of cell phone users own a smart phone. Smart phones are increasingly popular, especially when it comes down to security. The mobile android device management is an android security model that allows an employee owned phone to immediately be wipe clean of any corporate data if the cell phone were to be lost or stolen.

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