Learning How To Quit Smoking Marijuana Can Help You Be A Better Person

Marijuana addiction treatment

A survey put forth in 2009 stated that more than twenty eight million US citizens over the age of eleven had used marijuana during the previous twelve months at least once and if you want to learn how to quit smoking marijuana, there has never been a better time than now to start looking for resources to help you. The United States Office of National Drug Control Policy has said that roughly 6,000 people in this country abuse marijuana their first time and whether you have just started or have been a long time abuser, getting help regarding how to quit smoking marijuana will make your life better. While the path may not be easy for any cannabis addict to quit, there is always a great support system out there.

Some of the drafts of our Declaration of Independence were scribed on hemp paper and while this may or may not be your motivation for abusing cannabis, getting assistance to find out how to quit smoking marijuana will set you on the right path. The key to quitting for good is to find the right marijuana addiction treatment. Once you find a program that can provide proper cannabis treatment, you will have the support system you need to quit safely.

It is thought that about half of those who have learned how to quit smoking marijuana and then make the attempt experience cannabis withdrawal symptoms that can range from mood swings to loss of concentration. Contrary to this, a study of nearly 500 people who smoke marijuana done by Duke University found that once they learned how to quit smoking marijuana, more than 95 percent of the group who tried to quit went through at least one of the telltale withdrawal symptoms. Of that group, about 43 percent were hit with two or more symptoms.

Fortunately, there is lots of support for marijuana addicts including clinics where people can go to be treated. If you can lean on professionals who are able to provide you with both physical and mental support, you should have a better experience with quitting. This should also help the results of your treatment to stick.

Once you are off marijuana for good, you will finally start seeing the world with different eyes. A part of you that has been long forgotten will be awakened and provide you with new clarity. Realizing what you have been missing out on should keep you on the right path.

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