Reading Online News

More and more people are choosing to use the internet and technology in general instead of books, newspapers, and magazines. If you go out in public in a busy city, I am sure you will notice more and more people reading with a tablet device, a kindle, or some other similar device. It is easier than ever to find interesting reading with the internet. Online news is everywhere, and the best part about online news is that it is usually free. All of the online news that I find myself reading is free, and the only drawback to it is the advertisements. The advertisements that pop up on an online news website do not particularly bother me, and I generally pay no attention to them. About a year ago, I purchased a smart phone, and it has really opened up doors to online news. I had always seen people looking at their phones out in public, and I never really thought I would become one of them. But now, if I hear about something happening or current events that I am very interested in, I turn to my smart phone and find internet news that is related to what I want to find. I prefer finding info online because of how quick and easy it is. To me it is easier to use a search engine that it is to look through different magazines or newspapers. Online information is fast and most of all it is up to date. The television was an important tool for news, but the internet is far more superior. Internet information is constantly being updated, and online news is written minutes after some big event happens. Personally, I find that online information is the way to go when it comes to news. I recommend the next time you hear about something happening, try online news and see if you prefer it over print or television news. Read more.

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